A little about what I do.
Why Nutrition & Wellness?
I’ve done a lot of things in the past year, but nothing that I was really passionate about.
I always loved eating healthy and taking care of my body, yet I never thought about going to school and becoming a professional in this field. Those thoughts changed when I became a mom. It was then that I could help mothers not only look good, but feel good too.

When I got pregnant with my first daughter, people would ask me what I was doing to stay so slim. Even my OBGYN who happened to be 4 months pregnant at the time of my 8 month check up asked what I was doing to stay in such great shape. My husband exploded with a radiant smile. I could see in his eyes just how proud he was of me. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to pregnancy weight gain, my response was always the same. It's not about the quantity of food you eat but the quality of food you eat.
When you’re pregnant, people tell you to eat what you want. It’s your time to indulge without feeling guilty, right? Wrong! Being pregnant doesn't mean you need to eat twice as much food. It means you need to make smart food choices to ensure a healthy pregnancy and most importantly, a healthy baby. Throughout both my pregnancies, I made the conscious decision to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free dairy products and proteins. Not chocolate cake, ice cream, chips and pizza. By doing so, I was able to bounce back to my starting weight just weeks after giving birth.
With such an interest in health and wellness, my friend suggested I enroll in INN. At that time, I thought it would be difficult to go back to school, especially with a newborn and toddler. I gave it some thought and decided to go for it and I am so thankful I did. By putting the excuses aside, I was able to complete my course and graduate with a certificate in health and wellness. In doing so, I hope to be able to teach others a new way of life.
What I do …
As an INN (Institute for Integrated Nutrition) Certified Health Coach, my main goal is to help others rediscover a sense of self and learn how to take better care of themselves.
Gone are the days of depending on medication. When working with me, we will focus on natural healing without using medications or invasive procedures.
Through a holistic approach, we tap into your physical health, your emotional well-being and your relationships to determine why and how your illness occurs. Following that, we work to restore your health by treating the root causes of that disease.
Functional medicine is about finding natural solutions to heal a disease at the core, along with the proper preventative care.
Health & Wellness.
I do not diagnose, nor do I treat. I simply provide a safe space for women to explore the different ways in which they can improve their own health. I am certified to work alongside healthcare providers to best support my clients and promote whole body healing. Whether sleeping better, boosting energy, weight loss, and/or stress management, we will create a plan for you.
Additionally, I am currently enrolled in a Hormone Imbalance course where I am learning a ton of useful information in regards to issues in thyroids, cortisol imbalances, endometriosis, infinity, and more. All of which can more than likely be changed or managed through simple lifestyle modifications. Hormones are an integral to your body systems and regulate what the body does.