My Pregnancies
I was always conscious of what I ate but it wasn't until my first pregnancy when I discovered my passion for nutrition and health. Everyone would ask me what I was doing to stay so slim (even my OBGYN who happened to be pregnant at that time). While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to pregnancy weight gain, my response was always the same. It's not about the quantity of food you eat but the quality of food you eat.
When you’re pregnant, people tell you to eat what you want. It’s your time to indulge without feeling guilty, right? Wrong! Being pregnant doesn't mean you need to eat twice as much food. It means you need to make smart food choices to ensure a healthy pregnancy and most importantly, a healthy baby.
Throughout both my pregnancies, I made the conscious decision to eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fat-free dairy products and proteins. Not chocolate cake, ice cream, chips and pizza. By doing so, I gave birth on December 15th and by Christmas, I was back to my normal weight. The pounds that I had gained were now being held tightly in my arms, my beautiful baby girl. Two years later, I got pregnant for the second time. I followed the exact same “routine” and experienced just as much success as I did the first time around.
For me, pregnancy and new motherhood has been an absolute joy. But let’s be real, it's hard work. For all the women out there who need to care for themselves as well as they care for their children, Bloom Holistic Wellness is for YOU. It's your safe space to learn, to grow, and to BLOOM into the best person you could possibly be.